Basic Physician Training

Peninsula Health has a strong training program which enables a trainee to become a well-rounded clinician.

Basic Physician Training at Peninsula Health

As a level III teaching hospital, we are accredited to provide all 36 months of core as well as non-core training. Peninsula Health is a part of the Bayside-Peninsula consortium in conjunction with Alfred Health.

At Peninsula Health we continually improve the structured Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) exam preparation programme.

Our teaching activities for Physician Trainees include:

  • Structured weekly theory-based teaching for BPT 1 & 2
  • Structured education sessions for BPT 2 & 3 separate from the above
  • Short case session for BPT 1 & 2
  • Long Case session for BPT 1 & 2
  • MCQ preparation programme
  • Clinical exam preparation post RACP part one
  • Weekly unit meetings with a variety of Multi-Disciplinary Team meetings
  • Radiology meetings
  • Weekly grand rounds
  • Outpatient clinic experience
  • Progression in research activities under the guidance of the Internal Medicine Research Group and the Academic Unit


In the Peninsula Health training program, BPT 1 rotations are subspecialty oriented, while BPT 2 & 3 rotations are more often within General Medicine with fewer subspecialty rotations. However, an individual’s RACP training requirements and exam commitments are considered.

In addition to the rotations at Peninsula Health, trainees are provided with the opportunity to experience rotations outside the network. These rotations include Alfred Health, Goulburn Valley Health and Mildura Base Hospital.

Trainees are given the opportunity to gain depth and breadth in clinical expertise by completing rotations in the following areas:

Peninsula Health rotationsExternal rotations
1. Aged Care
2. Cardiology
3. Endocrinology
4. Infectious disease
5. Gastroenterology
6. General Medicine
7. Intensive Care Unit
8. Nephrology
9. Neurology
10. Oncology
11. Haematology
12. Respiratory Medicine
Alfred Health
Acute and General medicine

Mildura Base Hospital
Renal medicine

Goulburn Valley Health
Acute and General medicine

After completing their Basic Physician Training at Peninsula Health, an individual can readily proceed to Advanced Training in General Medicine and almost all the various subspecialties.

Further information

For more information about Basic Physician Training please contact:

Dr Sarah Whiting
Director of Physician Education

Dr Elisabeth Nye
Act. Clinical Director Medicine
Phone: (03) 9784 7250
