Mr Peter Joyce


Appointed 1 July 2024

Peter Joyce has long experience in the manufacturing and consumer products sector and worked for many years for the US consumer products company Sara Lee based in Australia, Singapore and The Netherlands. He has held various roles in Finance, Mergers & Acquisitions and as a General Manager. Peter has also worked in the credit card and financial services industry and in the IT sector in both Asia and Australia, and has been a consultant working with a number of organisations across various industries on financial planning and financial sustainability.

Between 2012 and 2023, Peter was the Executive Director Finance and CFO of Alfred Health, the operators of The Alfred, Caulfield and Sandringham hospitals as well as a number of community based public health services. During that time he was also involved with a number of sector based projects. Peter has a particular interest in the sustainable pricing and funding of public health.

Peter is also a co-founder and previous Chair of the Advisory Board of a Cambodian Foundation since 2008 which supports under privileged young people in Cambodia.
